About Us

The Grief Channel was founded by two seasoned, heart-centered professionals with kindred spirits and a common commitment to compassion and service Bobbie Comforto, LCSW, CT and Anne C. Kane, PhD..They are dedicated to helping individuals develop the insights and skills needed to negotiate the challenging journey of loss, trauma and transition.

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Bobbie Comforto, LCSW, CT     Anne Kane, Ph.D

Each partner brings a unique blend of experience and training and share a passionate commitment to the efficacy of grief work. Each believes that the experience of loss and grief offers a unique opportunity to grow, expand and deepen one’s self. To this underlying philosophy, they add a unique blend of Buddhist philosophy, spirituality and mind-body medicine. This results in a wide range of skills and depth of experience to share with their clients and groups.

Bobbie Comforto, RCSW, CT and Anne C. Kane, PhD, have each devoted their long individual careers to working with the dying and the bereaved. They have worked with thousands of individuals over the years who have looked to them for their heartfelt and professional experience and expertise. Both have a passionate belief in the efficacy of grief work. Both have an abiding faith in the resilience of the human spirit and understanding that we can find growth and meaning in life’s harshest experiences. Both share a dream; Grief Works and the Grief Channel were conceived to help individuals, families and communities develop the insights and skills needed to negotiate the challenging journey of loss, trauma, crisis and transition.


Bobbie Comforto, LCSW


I am a clicical social worker and certified thanatologist who scpecializes in bereavement and trauma. I have a full time practice, Bittersweet Counseling, with offices in Huntington and Hicksville, Long Island. I have spent over twenty five years working with individuals, families, groups and communitites facing illness, dying, loss and trauma; including counseling in Hospice Care, running a 9-11 Community Center and working with holocaust survivors.


I am a heart-centered psychotherapist who weaves together my varied and rich experience and training including: gestalt psychotherapy, EMDR, mindfulness based therapy, imago relational work, buddhist philosophy & thanatology. I have lectured widely on traumatic grief and the bereavement process and have taught and supervised professionals how to work with the dying and bereaved.


It is my passionate belief that individuals need each other to help and heal and I have extensive experience creating and facilitating healing groups of all kinds. I have interviewed hundreds of individuals about the nature of grief and along with my husband, Robert, have produced a documentary titled “After the Fall; the Rise of a 9-11 Community”. It is my belief that healing loss is an organic, creative process that is intuitive and transformational.


Anne C. Kane, PhD


I am a Clinical Psychologist with more than 36 years of experience. I received my PhD in Clinical Psychology from St. John’s University. I also earned a certificate in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy from New York University’s Post Doctoral Program. Licensed in New York State, I maintain a full time private practice, with offices in Rockville Centre, Long Island, and in Greenwich Village, Manhattan.


For the last 20 years, I have received specialized, intensive training in mind-body medicine and trauma. While I see adults, older adolescents, and couples for a variety of issues, my practice specialty is helping people cope with loss of all kinds. I work with many people suffering from traumatic grief. I also work with many who are dying or struggling with a serious illness, and try to assist them and their families to live as fully, richly, and deeply as possible.


My personal belief is that every person is a dynamic composite of body, mind and spirit, and my work reflects this philosophy. I have written and lectured widely on grief and bereavement. I have also trained professionals in graduate and post graduate classes on how to work with the dying and bereaved.


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