Grief Workshops


It is said that time heals, but it is what we do with the time that can have the most influence. The presence of other grievers can be important in normalizing the experience of grief. When we hear others and share our own experience, we can gain new understanding of the grief process, insight and a better perspective. There is something to learn in the similarities that we share and in the differences that we have. Grievers in a group setting come to feel less isolated and alone.

Victor Frankel, a Swiss Psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor, wrote about survival and resilience. He said, “Survival is a community event”. GriefWorks creates opportunities for grievers to come together in a healing & growing environment.

GriefWorks offers a variety of groups and workshops; including:

Focused workshops: “Crisis is Danger & Opportunity”, “Refinding Yourself After Losing a Spouse”, “A Grievers Toolbox”, “From Fear to Faith Trusting the Process”, “Using Mindfulness to Ride the Waves of Loss & Change”

Six Week Loss Groups: Loss of a Child, Loss of Spouse/Partner, Adult Loss of a Parent, Loss of Sibling

Living With Loss Discussion Groups: For individuals who are learning to integrate loss into their lives after some time following their loss.

Workshops are held in convenient locations and are arranged as interest directs.

Fees for workshops and groups vary.


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